Monday, September 28, 2009


Thanks Ladies for helping with the shirts, if I get them in can everyone meet at the church Thursday at 7pm for a quick photo shoot as well as pick up your shirts???

I have Melanie with 3 shirts
Sarah with 1 shirt
Lela with 2
Penny with 2
Jaime with 2
Pam with 2
Amy with 1
Sandy with 2

Lela I need $1, Mel $30, Sarah $10, Penny $22, Jaime $20, Amy $10, Sandy $21

If you have anything for the Tall Oaks basket bring it with you....

Lela said she would help work the tables on Oct. 4
Pam the 11
Melanie the 4
Jaime the 11
Penny the 11

Can anyone else help with the table these 2 days??

If someone wants to pay please let them, remember S-XL is $10 XXL $11, XXXL $12
There is a sign up list in the C3 box in the office.

Thank you Ladies!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I found that if they want a black or white shirt they can get one as large as a 5XL, but only in those 2 colors....
    I am OK changing the shirts larger than a 3X to either of those if the purchaser wants one of those colors in a shirt larger than a 3X....


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