Monday, September 28, 2009


Thanks Ladies for helping with the shirts, if I get them in can everyone meet at the church Thursday at 7pm for a quick photo shoot as well as pick up your shirts???

I have Melanie with 3 shirts
Sarah with 1 shirt
Lela with 2
Penny with 2
Jaime with 2
Pam with 2
Amy with 1
Sandy with 2

Lela I need $1, Mel $30, Sarah $10, Penny $22, Jaime $20, Amy $10, Sandy $21

If you have anything for the Tall Oaks basket bring it with you....

Lela said she would help work the tables on Oct. 4
Pam the 11
Melanie the 4
Jaime the 11
Penny the 11

Can anyone else help with the table these 2 days??

If someone wants to pay please let them, remember S-XL is $10 XXL $11, XXXL $12
There is a sign up list in the C3 box in the office.

Thank you Ladies!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Meeting on September 10

Good Morning ladies,
Thank you to the ladies who were at the meeting last night, we got a lot accomplished and I appriciate it!!!

First on the agenda was a new book for November's study, yes November, there are some slow readers and I want to make sure everyone has a chance to purchase the book and get it read by the time we review it. It will be Just Between You and Me by Jenny B. Jones.
We will select a book every few months so if you have one you would like to throw in the mix do bring it so we can look at it.

Secone was we are going to order T-Shirts for our group to advertise and sell to the church with the money raised going to HOMe Mission. I hope to have board approval on Monday and will place the order Tuesday, send me your shirt size and if you want Blue or Gray or both and I will get the order placed. They are $10 a shirt.

Third was Events: Cops on Top is September 19 at Krispy Kreme on Metcalf to raise money for Special Olympics. We are also working on collecting Art Supplies for MOCSA, I will deliver the first load next week so bring me what you have Sunday to church or call me and I will stop by to pick it up before I go. Another activity we are planning is helping Raymore Animal Control by collecting pet food, blankets, leashes and the like. Watch the bulliton for more details on that. Ladies Day at the K is September 24, let me know if you are interested so we can purchase tickets.

Our next meeting is October 8......

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas!!

Here's a section to post all of your great ideas (yours or borrowed from someone else) or questions about new ideas you come across.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Events & Activities!!

Just like the "Deals, deals, deals!!" thread, I thought it'd be great to have an event and activity thread. I'm often out of the loop on what's going on around town, but thought if we all post under this thread I-and you--wouldn't miss out. So please be sure to post your activities here. Be sure to mention links or other information that will be helpful to our readers. Thanks in advance for your posts!!

Deals, deals, deals!!

I'd like to start a new thread where we can post "deals" going on that we come across. So many times I've made phone calls or sent emails to friends and family when I found out about a sale that was going on or clearance items I've found...only it would have been great to call--or in this case type--just one time and it benefit everyone. Sure, I could email everyone, but we all get so much email already. So I'm going to post deals/clearance stuff/sales under this thread and hope others will too. That way you can check the thread when you want a deal.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Good Morning Ladies!!!
Mom and I had a discussion last night about a book study. She said that the turn out was great when we had a discussion on The Shack. Mom is reading a very good book called between you and me by Jenny B Jones, it is a novel about losing fear and finding God.

Is anyone interested in reading the book and discussing it at a future meeting?

Is anyone interested in maybe finding a few books to read and discuss for future meetings?

I am game for anything that will get you ladies excited and coming to every month's meeting!!!

SMILE :):):)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Where my homies at??

I realize it is a bit intimidating to blog. I'm right there with you newbies, as I am a newbie myself.

You may presume you have nothing to contribute, but let me assure you that could not be further from the truth. God gave all of us gifts. Maybe mine wasn't the gift of first-class writing, still that doesn't mean I lack worthwhile material.

I figure the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure" must be true; therefore, my experiences or ideas may seem trivial to me, yet I am almost certain they have been invaluable to others. Another one of my favorite sayings is: "It takes a village to raise a child." So, as we are all God's children, it takes a village to raise us up too!! I can't tell you how many times I've spoken with other women and have come upon advice that turned my world upside down.

So, it is my challenge to all those out there reading the "C3 to the Higher Power" blog, to put yourself out there; put your thoughts and ideas out never know who might be out there needing your help. Won't you allow Christ to work through you?

Saturday, August 15, 2009


(So I guess I really wasn't finished for the morning!!)
You know how Jeff Foxworthy has his little jokes about "You might be a Redneck if..."?? Well, I thought it'd be fun to come up with our own version: "You might be a Christian if..."

Here's a few I thought of:
You might be a Christian think of Jesus when you hear a love song.
You might be a Christian laugh when someone cuts you off in traffic.
You might be a Christian lend an ear to someone who's suffering.


To get the ball rolling on this blog, I thought I'd bring a few things up.

1) I found NPR Addict...great for those of us who don't or won't take the time to pick up a newspaper or watch the news. It has a list of topics for me to pick from, then I just click and listen. The two broadcasts I listened to were like 5 minutes long; an easy way to get in touch with what's going on in the world while putting your make up on, commuting, waiting in line, etc. Now, in the very little time I spent on NPR Addict this a.m., I came across two disturbing things (keep in mind they may be disturbing to me and I appologize in advance if you are offended).
A) Some Atheists are having ceremonial de-baptisms. Some uses a hair dryer to "dry" and "absorb" the baptism waters. The hair dryer sometimes has words like "logic" or "science" on it. Then, some of them go a step further and take their certificate of de-baptism to their former church and request to be removed from the church's baptismal rolls.
B) Apparently, some 45% of us women pay our health insurance company to cover abortions. I don't know if I am one of those people, but I know I don't want to be. I'm going to look into this further. If anyone has any insight on this topic, please speak up. "Johnny 5 is alive. Need more input!!" (That quote is from the movie Short Circuit. :) )

2) Jaime has brought up the idea of making some shirts for our church. Has anyone been brainstorming on this proposition?? She needs our help. My questions to the group are:
A) What kind of message do we want the shirts to send? Advertise our church; and what part of our church do we want to advertise...that all people are welcome at the table, our service types and times, our Sunday school classes, etc; advertise that we are Disciples; advertise a general message like Jesus saves, God will lift us up, find strength in God, Jesus loves us, Jesus sacrificed for us, etc.
B) Where do we want these profits to go? The mortgage, resurfacing the parking lot, minister's emergency fund, minister salary, elders salary, education, etc.

For our T-shirt project to succeed, we need to figure out these two points first. Then, and only then, can we begin to work on the design process of this venture.

3) Do we want to advertise our blog in some way? As in, do we want to invite other female church members to participate or limit it only to those that belong to our group?

4) I'd like to discuss what we are doing to include and invite women to join our Professional Women's group and how can we make the meetings more accessible to the greater population of females. I've been inviting friends and offering to pick them up. Anyone else have any ideas or suggestions??

Well, that's all the time I have this morning.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Hello ladies!
We decided to start a blog so we could all keep up with what is going on in our group. Please feel free to post messages, have conversations, etc. on here so we can all keep in touch.

Have a great day!
